
Personal well-being : body, mind and spirit

Because if we are to adopt these principles in a joined-up way in our physical life-style, we need to understand and embrace them in our minds. 
But that is never enough, because there will always be the conflicting, very human, demands of self, intruding into our mental state with counter-arguments.
“Compassion fatigue” is one example of this.  As we sometimes say "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"
So we need to enshrine this vision at our deepest, spiritual level, where it becomes instinctive, our natural reflex and our unthinking response.

To quote Jesus again, since he coined that expression and probably taught and lived this wholistic vision more completely than any of the others we have quoted on specific topics on these pages :
“The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Watch and pray that you are not tempted. 
I am the way, follow me, and I will give you another helper, the Spirit of Truth, who will make a home in you, and who will lead you into all truth and teach and remind you of everything I have taught. 
And you will have peace of mind, such as the world cannot give.”

A healthy mind in a healthy body provides a home for all the spiritual awareness and empowering needed to embrace the POEGTAP life. 
How do you fare?